LAM had been working in HA, private and NGO settings, which helps him to understand clients’ conditions in various stages. He is keen on rehabilitation and continuous learning in several fields. Stroke Rehabilitation is one of his most experienced fields. He spent years in studying courses of stroke rehabilitation. His aim is to improve the quality of life of patients, lessen the stress of caregivers and defend the dignity of patients.
Education is another interest of LAM. He has plenty of experience in holding in-service training, workshops and courses. He also volunteered in HIS Foundation, to serve, train and educate those in need in Mainland China.
Clinical special Stroke Rehabilitation
- MSc in Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences (CUHK)
- BSc (Honours) in Occupational Therapy (PolyU)
- Registered Occupational Therapist (HK)
- Neuro-IFRAH Certified® & Neuro-IFRAH Advanced Trained®
- KT Taping PRO level 1 & 2
- Visceral Manipulation : Abdomen 1
- Craniosacral Therapy level 1
- ISBT – proficiency level
- Dorn Method & Breuss Massage : Basic & Advanced
- Lower limb biomechanics level 1 & 2
- Beckman Oral Motor
Provides physical and cognitive rehabilitation for people with stroke, dementia or general physical deterioration, in areas of Day Center, Old Age Home and home support.
Through physical and cognitive training to regain self-care or vocational capacities, to improve client's engagement in community and quality of life. Have been participated in [Pamphlet on Dementia Community Support Scheme], to assisted people with mild cognitive impairment to identify the barriers and challenges in community living, and conduct home environmental assessments and provide advice for them to live independently. Currently taking courses in different fields to obtain new knowledge and skills in rehabilitation services.
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Therapy (TUNG WAH COLLEGE)
- Registered Occupational Therapist
- ISBT – Foundation level Bowen Therapy
- Lower Limb Biomechanics & Orthotic Therapy level 1
Hiu Yan畢業於香港理工大學並取得甲級榮譽物理治療理學士學位,畢業後於新加坡其中一間大型多學科醫院 - 陳篤生醫院任職物理治療師,對腦神經系統和老人復康物理治療產生了濃厚興趣,曾積極舉辦講座推廣此專業,幫助更多的患者。Hiu Yan也相信跨學科的重要性,曾是醫院聯盟管理團隊的一部分。於二零一二年,Hiu Yan遠赴英國的卡迪夫大學修讀物理治療學碩士學位,主修腦神經系統復康。在英國期間也獲得Bobath(ambulation)的證書,幫助更多腦部創傷的患者。
回流香港發展後,HiuYan於私人醫院及非牟利組織工作,致力幫助腦神腦部創傷患者和長者們。為了提升學術水平,她積極修讀不同課程,她修讀有關本體感覺神經肌肉誘發術的課程 - PNF(Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation),可為病人應用活動誘發本體覺,促使神經肌肉功能恢復的復健治療法。她也是北歐健走步的導師,幫助患者找回更正確的行步姿和個身材。
另外Hiu Yan也是一名專業的普拉提教練, 她深信普拉提結合了西方運動肌肉體能訓練和東方運動心靈的練習,能和她的復康治療結合,帶出更完美的效果。
Clinical special 中風復康
- 香港註冊物理治療師
- 物理治療學碩士(英國卡迪夫大學)
- 物理治療學(榮譽)理學士(香港理工大學)
畢業於美國加州市立大學運動科學理學士課程 及 香港理工大學物理治療碩士課程;並擁有香港物理治療學會認可針灸證書。
畢業後,投身私人診所及日間復康中心擔任物理治療工作,亦從事到診服務,有多年臨床經驗; 善於運用專業知識配合不同治療方法處理病例;對背痛、頸痛及運動創傷治療尤其有心得。
- 香港註冊物理治療師
- 運動科學理學士(美國加州市立大學沙加緬度分校)
- 物理治療碩士(香港理工大學)
- 香港物理治療學會認可針灸證書
Ms. Hung has over 20 years of experience in different aspects of elderly services, including District Elderly Community Centre, Home Care and Residential Care for the elderly. She has extensive experience in elderly sectors and case management. Ms. Hung has coordinated several social innovation projects and recognised with different awards. In recent years, she has committed to promote social innovation and self-financing services, such as Y care, Y senior care and Y Health and Wellness services, in order to fill the service gaps.
- Certificate for Module (Management for Social Enterprises) - HKU SPACE
- Master of Science in Clinical Gerontology - CUHK
- Bachelor of Arts (Honors) in Social Work - CityU HK
- Accredited Assessor Under SCNAMES - SWD
Debby Yuen has management and social service development experience in elderly service. Strive to promote age at home, cross generation and active aging. The projects which managed by her won ICT Award 2015: Best Digital Inclusion Bronze Award and Special Award for Most Innovative Service, 2015 Best Practice Award in Social Welfare, 2017 Best Practice Award in Social Welfare. Recently, she has been participating in self-finance projects such as Y Care, Y Senior Care and Y Good Helper, hoping the elderly can enjoy their quality of life in old age.
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- 香港註冊物理治療師
- 物理治療學(榮譽)理學士(香港理工大學)
- 香港物理治療學會認可針灸證書
Ms. Scarlett Chu is currently practicing in public hospital, care and attention home for the elderly, and day rehabilitation centre, working with patients of all ages with swallowing, speech and language problems. She is a certified provider of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (i.e. Biber Protocol, Vitalstim), myofascial release, Beckman oral motor assessment and intervention and etc.
- Registered member of HKIST
- Full member of HKAST
- M.A. (Speech Therapy) with Distinction - The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- B.S.Sc. (Journalism and Communication) - The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Fiona’s expertise lies in using manual therapies and active rehabilitation to help clients in relieving musculoskeletal-related pain and managing dysfunction. She had a wide variety of experience of working with various types of clients across different public and private hospital in Australia and Hong Kong. She believes a comprehensive treatment should view the body as a whole system and one’s psychological and social aspects should also be taken into consideration in their management. She strives to help people to regain physical independence and confidence in performing daily activities.
- Registered physiotherapist with Hong Kong Board of Physiotherapy
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy) (Usyd)
- Master of Science in Manipulative Physiotherapy (PolyU)
- Accredited Diploma in acupuncture and moxibustion (HKPA accredited)